Zero Waste Workshop a Huge Success!

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June 23, 2008

On Saturday, June 21, Sedona Recycles and Keep Sedona Beautiful hosted a Zero Waste Workshop as part of the KSB Environmental Issues Workshop Series.

Sedona Recycles Executive Director Jill McCutcheon spoke to attendees about the importance of “thinking beyond the bin” when purchasing and disposing of items. McCutcheon urged attendees to ask the following questions when purchasing an item: Was the item manufactured responsibly, locally, and/or using post-consumer materials? Can the item be reused, repaired, or donated? Will the item be disposed of properly, locally, or recycled into another item? McCutcheon also encouraged attendees to speak up and contact manufacturers, retailers, waste haulers, and government officials to ensure that products are responsibly manufactured and disposed of.

Those in attendance were treated to a tour of the Sedona Recycles facility, including a demonstration of the materials sorting line and the materials baler.

The free workshop was made possible by a grant to Keep Sedona Beautiful from the Sedona Community Foundation.