When Sedona Recycles was founded in 1989, it was a volunteer-based organization. Our facility on Shelby Drive was built with donated materials and hours of volunteer time, and volunteers originally maintained all of our community drop-off sites. These citizens cleaned, educated, and sorted materials for the sake of our environment.
If you have an interest in donating time or materials, please contact us and we will find a task that suits you. Sedona Recycles is always seeking volunteers from any part of the Verde Valley. Possible volunteer activities include drop-off site clean-up, material sorting, facility beautification, fundraising, and anything else you are willing to help with!
Thank you for your commitment to responsible resource recovery!
We are currently accepting volunteers for the summer. Anyone is welcome to volunteer, including students on summer vacation. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out our volunteer form and return to outreach@esedona.net or call (928) 204-1185.
Volunteer Jobs
Meet and Greeter: We are a busy facility and need a helper to answer questions and help patrons find things we offer to the public, such as bubble wrap, packing peanuts, and egg cartons.
Next month (February 2023) we are formally launching an initiative to help educate recyclers to be their best recycling selves. As you might know, one of the biggest challenges facing a recycling operation is contamination. “Contamination” is used to describe material that ends up in our bins that don’t belong. Material that doesn’t belong can happen for a few reasons, but the one we want to address is lack of knowledge about what is and is not recyclable. Even recyclers with the best of intentions often simply don’t know which items can and can not be recycled.
If you have any interested in becoming an expert on recycling in Sedona and helping educate others who patronize the drop-off bins at our facility on Shelby, then sign up here to get more information when all of the plans are ready to share.
Cleaner & Organizer: There is always something to sweep up, put away, reorganize, dust, or clean, and litter to pick up off our street. ** You can learn a lot about the business side of recycling, what goes where and why.
Educator Assistant: If you are creative and have teaching skills, we can use your ideas for outreach activities. Help us design lessons and make hands-on activities. Also help with education events and outreach tables. ** Great experience in the field of education and very rewarding!
Fundraiser: If you have ideas about how to bring in funding, we need you. **Everlasting good karma.
Adopt a Business: Small businesses sometimes don’t have the resources to recycle. Volunteer to pick up their materials and take them to a drop-off site. ** You can assist in a waste audit and help a business get to near zero waste!
Or create your own volunteer day by combining different jobs!
**What’s in it for you.